Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers To The New Year

Why hello there friends! I Have been super busy lately, but I figured I should blog in honor of New Years Eve. This year has been absolutely crazy. I am so incredibly blessed by everything and everyone in my life. I have gotten so many wonderful opportunities this year, and i am so thankful for every single one. This year I graduated high school, I went abroad to London with my best friends, I went to Hawaii, I went to Hume Lake (a super cool summer camp), I went beach camping, and finally I moved to Seattle. It has been a crazy busy year, and the funny thing is none of these activities were planned to happen. Usually I am a person who likes to plan and organize events, which can also be a weakness for me. This year changed everything though. I learned how to be spontaneous and take risks in life. I learned to not  take life so seriously, I learned how to let go, and Most importantly I learned how to be the best me I can be. This year has had some ups and downs including a few deaths of people who meant a lot to me. But again I learned how to let go and continue on with my life as positively as I can be (I am a really pessimistic person). This year has not only been fun, but it has been a major learning experience for me as I moved out of my parents house and lived on my own for the first time in my 19 years of living. I have made mistakes and failed throughout this year, but I don't regret any of it. Im so excited to start 2014 off in Seattle with some of my favorite people. People have been asking me what my new years resolution is and I always fail to think of one. So I came up with the simplest yet hardest one I could think of. My New Years resolution is to just be me. I have issues with being a MAJOR people pleaser. I hate seeing people disappointed so I try to please them any way I can. This is going to be hard but i have faith. Whats your New Year Resolution? Comment and tell me what yours is! Again Thank you so much for reading my boring blog. Thanks to you wonderful readers I average about 300 reads a day! WOOOOO. I hope you all had a wonderful year, I love you all! Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finals..AKA Dead Week.

Why hello there my beautiful readers. I know I haven't blogged….Im very bad at this, BUT I have a reason this time. I just finished my finals so i have been busy with dying. My finals kind of sucked a lot. Plus I have been dying of sickness this past week. Literally I think my professor wanted to kill me ( my professor is super sassy). TO BAD IM FREE FROM HIM….My first quarter of college is done... Its weird to think how 10 weeks have gone by so fast. I have gotten so close with so many different people and its weird that I'm going to be leaving the people I have lived with constantly the past 3 months. Im going to visit my friends back home though! CAN YOU SAY PARTY? Just kidding, we classy college kids don't do that. But really Im excited to see all my old high school friends. Oh by the way you should probably know I have an undying love for Jesse McCartney. Literally Jesse was my childhood crush. So naturally when I find out he has a new album coming out, I fangirled. Judge me if you wish but I don't care. So thats exciting news. ALSO CHRISTMAS IS HERE. life is already 10% better with christmas music. Im just so excited to go on break. I will miss my 50 other family members though. It sounds cheesy and stupid, but these girls and guys I have been living with are amazing, and they are my family. Hallmark moment…..Alright now that we are past that I just made a tumblr and I have a youtube channel! so if you want to check that out my youtube channel is : Becbec0071 ( don't laugh its all that was available), and my tumblr is : Rebeccaane.tumblr.com …So yeah go check those out. my youtube has embarrassing videos, so enjoy at you're own risk. Alright well I think I've bored you enough with my life. Stay beautiful. This has been life time with yours truly.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Seattle Lovin'

Well hello my friends, it has been quite a while. I am really going to try and blog at least once a week. Lets see if i can do it. Alright so college…is the best experience I could have ever had. Teens everywhere leave their home and adventure to a new place to start their own life. This concept for me was what I have always wanted. My family and I don't get along too well, so naturally I could not wait to leave and start my own life. And that my friends is what I did. I found a college 2 states away, and made a leap of faith, leaving everything I have ever known. Yeah its scary but I absolutely love my life now. I live in a beautiful northwest city called Seattle. I chose Seattle blindly and for no reason. I just wanted to get away and go somewhere I have never been. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Seattle is where I belong, as cheesy as that sounds. Back home I was the odd ball out. I would always wear beanies, sweaters, and leggings in 90 degree heat. When I came to seattle I fit in perfectly with the city ( seriously my friends call me their seattle hipster because I fit in with this city so well). People always tell me that Im going to get depressed living in a city with no sun, but they don't get it. I was depressed back home where the sun was always out, and i never really understood why. Now when I look at the sky I smile, because I love the rain and clouds. Basically my life has turned upside down, but for the better. Sure I do miss my friends, because I left them all back home; but I know that I will see the again. Maybe not now but life will will bring me full circle eventually. Seattle has taught me a lot, and I am so blessed to be in this beautiful city. I sound like a hallmark card, but I'm being honest with you guys. I have made friends that will last a lifetime and I am so thankful for everyone in my life. Well I'm done boring you with my life. This has been Seattle Lovin' with yours truly.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dorm Life

Hello my fellow bloggers, and readers! I thought for todays blog I would talk about the perks and downfalls of living in a dorm. Dorm life is fun and great; plus  you live with 46 other people. That can be both a perk and a downfall. For me I love living with 46 other people. I have made so many great friendships because of the weird things we do at 3 in the morning. Then again sometimes you want space and thats really hard to do with 46 other people always around you. Don't get me wrong I love them all to death, but sometimes I just need to freak out and have time to myself. Another perk is the activities. When you live in a dorm you are almost always involved in events like, dances, study parties, movie parties, or just chilling together. A downfall of living in the dorms is finding a balance. Sometimes people go to college and they jump right in to all these activities and they forget that they have a little something called school in the morning. While living in dorms you just have to find the balance that works best for you. Dorm life definitely is not for everyone, but I absolutely love it. My campus is so beautiful and I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. This has been tips for dorm life with yours truly.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

College Has Arrived.

Hello wonderful people of the inter web. I'm really bad at this blogging thing, but thank you for reading my stupid thoughts. So if you don't already know I am in college now. woot woot. I go to a university in washington and I absolutely love it! My uni is located in the middle of a huge city, so there is always tons to do. My problem is that I am the most awkward human on the earth. Honestly I don't know how I have friends. I mean at first it was weird for me to have to get to know so many new people. Im really glad I am getting to know people though because my floor (shout out to fifth hill) is honestly the best floor ever. All the girls here are great and they are so accepting. For me accepting is key because I am sometimes a weird person. So they accept my weirdness (yay for friendship). The boys here are a different story. Moving to seattle was kinda of scary because I literally can't talk to guys, so this move was going to be so challenging because Im living with them in the same building. BUT I would like to tell you I have had not 1 not 2 but 3 guys in the past 3 weeks.  I think I should win an award for that. I won't go into the details of the guys but basically I really need to DTR (determine the relationship). That is so not going to be fun, but whatever. Well its been fun. This has been story time with yours truly.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Party Fouls

Hello Fabulous readers! I have been a very bad blogger... I have not been on in over 2 months. Honestly I have had no motivation. I know shame on me. BUT anyways I am back. Alright so I just want to establish some do's and Dont's of partying because lets be honest I'm a expert in that subject ( just kidding I actually hate it). So If your going to a party and there is going to be drinking involved bring or find a designated driver. Please, Please, Please do not drive under the influence. It is un-safe and rather stupid. Think about it this way, everyone loves someone out there whether it be the music god Ed Sheeran, or just your mom. So you don't want to die and never see them again do you? Thats what I thought. So If your going to drink, don't drive. Alright next, If you are at this party try and keep your hands to yourself. I Mean unless its a mutual feeling then dont do it. I know this from personal experience. Just putting it out there that girls do not like being touched by random drunk guys. Oh and If you have a Girl Friend or Boy Friend DONT flirt with other single people. Honestly single people already have to deal with you couples everyday, and flirting with us will just makes us fill worse. Seriously though don't. Next Try to keep your actions PG-13 when dancing or in front of a group of people. Honestly nobody wants to see you swallow each other. Save that for later please. Another point is never accept a drink, when you don't know where it came from. Someone could have easily snuck something in your drink, and we don't want that. So just be aware of what you intake. Actually Just be aware in general. Im trying to not sound like a parent here, but its all for your safety and well being. Alright and top of it all just have fun! That is what a party is for. Alright well its been real readers. This has been lesson time with yours truly.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Goodbye America, Hello England

Alright you internet lovers, I am back from England! I know you have missed my blogs SO much. When most people think of England they think of bald guys with bad teeth and a horrid accent, BUT let me be the first to inform you that England is literally the promise land of attractive guys. Imagine this..God was making the world and he is trying to spread out the attractive guys all over the continents, then he trips and dumps ALL the attractive guys into Great Britain....I mean im pretty sure I got whip lash from turning my head so much to check them all out. I am going to give you some examples. So I went to England with a few of my friends from High school and we were going on this tour. Safe to say our tour guy was straight off pintrest. If you dont understand that reference then think of a Ryan Gosling-Channing Tatum mix and there was our tour guide.  He was so sarcastic and perfect. Also he had the swirl hair that any girl would kill for. (Tour Guide is the bottom picture). Then we had our bus driver. Usually when you think of a bus driver you think of an old fat guy, but our bus driver was 27 and a freaking god....not really but you get the idea. Our bus driver had this punk rock look to him, and his hair was like our tour guides hair. (Bus Driver is the top picture). So Basically my first point is that the guys in England 1. dress better, 2. talk better, 3. look better, and 4. act better. Now my second point is that London is not what it is to be expected as. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE London, but I expected something totally different than what I saw. I expected London to be huge and Spectacular, but in reality it is a relatively small city.  You can take the tube ( their subway) all the way across the city in about 10 minutes with multiple stops. So it is very small, but it was still amazing.  It has a lot of really cute pubs (the drinking age there is 18 so pubs are VERY popular among youth). Also the taxi drivers in London are awesome! My taxi driver gave me a tour of where all the boys hangout (suit shops, swim shops, etc..). The second point I want to make is that If you do not pay attention to the people driving YOU WILL DIE. The people who drive over there make it a goal to hit as many tourist as they can, so you must be extremely careful when crossing the street. Safe to say I almost got hit a few times, but I blame that on my clumsiness. On the point of clumsiness I was that tourist that feel down the subway stairs... I know what your going to say, but I want to point out it was raining, the stairs were slippery,  it was very crowded, and it was night time...so I now have a bruise the size of a basket ball on my leg but what else is new. Anyways Overall England was Fantastic. I think every single one of you readers should go. you will be amazed by the beauty there. well I'm done boring you with my thoughts. This has been story time with yours truly.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The End Of The Beginning

Well my fellow bloggers and internet stalkers, I did it. I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL. Please please no applause. Even though I say I hate high school, I think I'm actually going to miss it... HAHA just kidding I'm so glad to be moving on to a new chapter in my life. I sound like a hallmark commercial. Anyways let me just tell you that this graduation did not go smoothly. For example, me and my friend were in line to get our diplomas and she was suppose to go first. Then the counselor called my name instead of hers and the screen got all mixed up. I really didn't care. I was pretty much famous because my name got said twice. Now for my friend, to say she was extremely pissed is an understatement. Other than that it went pretty well except for the fact that i was having a panic attack because it finally hit me that I was graduating. I was looking at my feet the entire time to make sure I didn't trip. Let me tell you walking in a long white dress with flowers and heels is a hard task. but I did it.  Now for graduation my school requires girls to wear long white wedding dresses. Following the graduation I went to Miguels cocina (look at me speaking spanish). I got asked about 20 times if i got married. One comment really caught me off guard. random guy: " did you get married? either way we should go out sometime." .....You should have seen my face. Let me just tell you first off I have the worse luck with guys and they usually ignore me. Now I really had no idea what to say so I stood their for about a minute staring at him then went to my table. Talk about awkward. Then to finish this fabulous night I witnessed a motorcyclist fall off his bike and be hit my a car. Sounds fantastic right?  wrong. Well that concludes todays story time. This has been The End Of The Beginning with yours truly.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Joys Of Traveling

Traveling sounds so enjoyable...until its not. Over time i have found something out.  Its not the traveling thats fun, but the destination. I have yet to meet one person who likes to stand in the endless lines in security, or wait for hours for a plane thats late. This past weekend I took a trip to Seattle, because I fugging love that city. Its fabulous. Anyways I am going to entertain you for the next couple of minutes and share with you the horrors of the airport. First off people in california fugging don't know how to drive. they are all idiots. so of course they are going to cut you off as they try to rush to get to their flight, that is probably late anyways. Lesson ALWAYS drive defensively. Next know where to go in the airport. Don't be the dumb person standing in front of the "security check point" sign and say " i don't know where security is!", because honestly if i worked at the airport i would probably slap you. Your in America people. LEARN TO READ. Next Be smart. Don't bring guns, explosives or any other liquids that could potentially end lives. Oh and in security follow their rules! if you have liquids throw them away! i promise you, your water is not all that important to hold up people who have lives to go live. If you must get patted down, make a HUGE  deal about it....haha actually don't do that but i think it would be fugging hilarious to see. So next please for the love of God don't stop and put your shoes on in the middle of the walk way. and HOLY LORD CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN. Let me just tell you, having your chair kicked endlessly and having children flip over seats with a dirty diaper is NOT at all pleasant. And if you MUST get drunk on a flight do not sit next to a teenage girl. From personal experience having a drunk old guy try and hold your hand is gross and sick. Basically follow the rules and be smart. This concludes The horrors of the airport.  Join us next time for more life lessons from yours truly.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

One Of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days where everything is suppose to be awesome then it all goes down hill? Well that was my day today. Today was my last day of high school before I graduate. Also at my school every tuesday is chapel day, so instead of going to 4th period we would go to chapel. Well I Completely forgot today was chapel, because it was my last day and i just have a lot on my mind. So i went to my 4th period class and sat there for 30 minutes...i though maybe my clas was late or hiding or doing something weird so I just waited. I then remembered today is chapel and i freaked out. So being the goodie goodie I am I went to the office to tell them where I was. I told them i sat there for 30 minutes and they straight up laughed at me...they asked " what were you doing?" my response " i..just..sat..there.." , then all hell breaks loose and i start to freaking break down in front of the office ladies. The break down was a combination of anger, embarrassment, and sadness (mostly sadness because i'm leaving some of my favorite people today). It was a sad moment in my life.Iwent to chapel and it was fine but this truly would only happen to me. Today was just one of those days..

Monday, May 13, 2013

Teachers Are Frustrating

Let me just tell you people of the internet I have had the worst day ever. It is mostly because of teachers that promise you impossible things. So at my school in your second semester of senior year if you have an A and less than 5 absences then you don't have to take finals. Finals, god finals suck. Basically its a test that everyone fails and it kills your grade. So I don't want to take finals. My teacher in a history class told me i was going to get an A and didn't have to take it. Then guess what? I have a freaking 89. I asked " is there ANYTHING i could do to get it up?' her response " no i am sorry get ready for the final" .....Well this sucks. so I now have one day to prepare for a final I should have to take. Then the day gets worse when i am attacked by balloons. And by attacked i mean i got tangled in them and almost fell on my face. Then i go to honors anatomy where I have an A and i get told i have 5 absences and have to take it. My face was probably funny to everyone else but i wanted to die. so then I pull out my phone because let me tell you there is no way in heck I am taking this retarded Boking final. so i text my principle and say " I have an A and i am NOT taking it because i missed one extra day. forget that shiz man". he responds "If you have an A skip the class. k? " my life then got 50 times better and i continued on with my day. Let me just express my hatred for people who give me hope then take it away. I would rather the teacher just say " hey your taking it" but no now i am stressing about something i could already be prepared for. Teachers are freaking frustrating.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Day In The Life

For those of you who don't know me I can be extremely awkward. I know what your thinking, "its only awkward if you make it awkward" or "everyones awkward". Well I hate to say it but in this case you are wrong. For some odd reason my life is like a never ending freak show, as in Im the freak and my life is the show. Let me Just walk you through some normal events in a "normal" day for me. For example this morning I wake up to only fall out of bed and be jumped on by my extremely fat dog. what an awesome start to my day. following that wonderful and graceful move out of my bed i get dressed and head for school. I get to school only to see in the back of my car a life size cut out of Niall Horan...i may or may not be in love with One Direction. so I now have the cut out of a large man in my car. I freaking looked like a kidnapper I kid you not. My day continues normally until i am driving home. I stopped for gas only to be hit on by a 50 year old man who tried to pump my gas. This would only happen to me. Then the world wished a curse on me and my car would not start. So now i am stuck at a gas station with a creepy guy and my phone is almost dead. Is this real life? yes, sadly it is. After about 20 minutes of sitting in my car alone , the creepy guy handed me a candy bar, or attempted to give it to me. Instead being the genius I am I ran down the street. smart move right ? anyways to end this awkward and clumsy day I had to run back to my car, jump it and drive home. That my friends is a normal day for me. keep in mind all of these events actually happened. This has been a day in the life of yours truly.

Friday, May 3, 2013

High School Sucks

High school seriously drags on for freaking ever.  I am finally graduating, and leaving the place that has seriously killed my brain cells. I mean don't get me wrong I love my friends, but after 4 years you just get tired of it. The only class I actually enjoy is sewing, and thats only because we do absolutely nothing in there. It gets to the point where you think people would finally grow up and mature, and I hate to be the one to inform you of this but ALL high schoolers are immature. Its just the way it is. Between the jocks who think they are invincible,  to the cheerleaders who are to peppy for any time of the day, and to the loners who just glare at you all day. then there are just the normal people. These are the people who blend in with the crowd and hate to be noticed, but they have friends. I would fit in to this category. Flying under the radar is my thing, its what I am best at. Oh lets not forget those couples who literally make out in front of you everyday. Its like they think " hey shes single lets go make out in front of her to rub it in her face!", I mean god I know I am single I don't need mushy couples to point it out. This sounds harsh but its pretty much the truth. There is one thing I am going to miss about high school, and that is my friends. This last year I have met so many people who have such a huge role in my life. I am going to college 2 states away from where I am now, and I am not looking forward to the Goodbyes. I just have to keep reminding myself its not goodbye its see you later. I guess when i look back i might miss high school, but for now it sucks, and that is just the way it is.