Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dorm Life

Hello my fellow bloggers, and readers! I thought for todays blog I would talk about the perks and downfalls of living in a dorm. Dorm life is fun and great; plus  you live with 46 other people. That can be both a perk and a downfall. For me I love living with 46 other people. I have made so many great friendships because of the weird things we do at 3 in the morning. Then again sometimes you want space and thats really hard to do with 46 other people always around you. Don't get me wrong I love them all to death, but sometimes I just need to freak out and have time to myself. Another perk is the activities. When you live in a dorm you are almost always involved in events like, dances, study parties, movie parties, or just chilling together. A downfall of living in the dorms is finding a balance. Sometimes people go to college and they jump right in to all these activities and they forget that they have a little something called school in the morning. While living in dorms you just have to find the balance that works best for you. Dorm life definitely is not for everyone, but I absolutely love it. My campus is so beautiful and I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. This has been tips for dorm life with yours truly.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

College Has Arrived.

Hello wonderful people of the inter web. I'm really bad at this blogging thing, but thank you for reading my stupid thoughts. So if you don't already know I am in college now. woot woot. I go to a university in washington and I absolutely love it! My uni is located in the middle of a huge city, so there is always tons to do. My problem is that I am the most awkward human on the earth. Honestly I don't know how I have friends. I mean at first it was weird for me to have to get to know so many new people. Im really glad I am getting to know people though because my floor (shout out to fifth hill) is honestly the best floor ever. All the girls here are great and they are so accepting. For me accepting is key because I am sometimes a weird person. So they accept my weirdness (yay for friendship). The boys here are a different story. Moving to seattle was kinda of scary because I literally can't talk to guys, so this move was going to be so challenging because Im living with them in the same building. BUT I would like to tell you I have had not 1 not 2 but 3 guys in the past 3 weeks.  I think I should win an award for that. I won't go into the details of the guys but basically I really need to DTR (determine the relationship). That is so not going to be fun, but whatever. Well its been fun. This has been story time with yours truly.