Sunday, June 30, 2013

Goodbye America, Hello England

Alright you internet lovers, I am back from England! I know you have missed my blogs SO much. When most people think of England they think of bald guys with bad teeth and a horrid accent, BUT let me be the first to inform you that England is literally the promise land of attractive guys. Imagine this..God was making the world and he is trying to spread out the attractive guys all over the continents, then he trips and dumps ALL the attractive guys into Great Britain....I mean im pretty sure I got whip lash from turning my head so much to check them all out. I am going to give you some examples. So I went to England with a few of my friends from High school and we were going on this tour. Safe to say our tour guy was straight off pintrest. If you dont understand that reference then think of a Ryan Gosling-Channing Tatum mix and there was our tour guide.  He was so sarcastic and perfect. Also he had the swirl hair that any girl would kill for. (Tour Guide is the bottom picture). Then we had our bus driver. Usually when you think of a bus driver you think of an old fat guy, but our bus driver was 27 and a freaking god....not really but you get the idea. Our bus driver had this punk rock look to him, and his hair was like our tour guides hair. (Bus Driver is the top picture). So Basically my first point is that the guys in England 1. dress better, 2. talk better, 3. look better, and 4. act better. Now my second point is that London is not what it is to be expected as. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE London, but I expected something totally different than what I saw. I expected London to be huge and Spectacular, but in reality it is a relatively small city.  You can take the tube ( their subway) all the way across the city in about 10 minutes with multiple stops. So it is very small, but it was still amazing.  It has a lot of really cute pubs (the drinking age there is 18 so pubs are VERY popular among youth). Also the taxi drivers in London are awesome! My taxi driver gave me a tour of where all the boys hangout (suit shops, swim shops, etc..). The second point I want to make is that If you do not pay attention to the people driving YOU WILL DIE. The people who drive over there make it a goal to hit as many tourist as they can, so you must be extremely careful when crossing the street. Safe to say I almost got hit a few times, but I blame that on my clumsiness. On the point of clumsiness I was that tourist that feel down the subway stairs... I know what your going to say, but I want to point out it was raining, the stairs were slippery,  it was very crowded, and it was night I now have a bruise the size of a basket ball on my leg but what else is new. Anyways Overall England was Fantastic. I think every single one of you readers should go. you will be amazed by the beauty there. well I'm done boring you with my thoughts. This has been story time with yours truly.