Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cheers To The New Year

Why hello there friends! I Have been super busy lately, but I figured I should blog in honor of New Years Eve. This year has been absolutely crazy. I am so incredibly blessed by everything and everyone in my life. I have gotten so many wonderful opportunities this year, and i am so thankful for every single one. This year I graduated high school, I went abroad to London with my best friends, I went to Hawaii, I went to Hume Lake (a super cool summer camp), I went beach camping, and finally I moved to Seattle. It has been a crazy busy year, and the funny thing is none of these activities were planned to happen. Usually I am a person who likes to plan and organize events, which can also be a weakness for me. This year changed everything though. I learned how to be spontaneous and take risks in life. I learned to not  take life so seriously, I learned how to let go, and Most importantly I learned how to be the best me I can be. This year has had some ups and downs including a few deaths of people who meant a lot to me. But again I learned how to let go and continue on with my life as positively as I can be (I am a really pessimistic person). This year has not only been fun, but it has been a major learning experience for me as I moved out of my parents house and lived on my own for the first time in my 19 years of living. I have made mistakes and failed throughout this year, but I don't regret any of it. Im so excited to start 2014 off in Seattle with some of my favorite people. People have been asking me what my new years resolution is and I always fail to think of one. So I came up with the simplest yet hardest one I could think of. My New Years resolution is to just be me. I have issues with being a MAJOR people pleaser. I hate seeing people disappointed so I try to please them any way I can. This is going to be hard but i have faith. Whats your New Year Resolution? Comment and tell me what yours is! Again Thank you so much for reading my boring blog. Thanks to you wonderful readers I average about 300 reads a day! WOOOOO. I hope you all had a wonderful year, I love you all! Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finals..AKA Dead Week.

Why hello there my beautiful readers. I know I haven't blogged….Im very bad at this, BUT I have a reason this time. I just finished my finals so i have been busy with dying. My finals kind of sucked a lot. Plus I have been dying of sickness this past week. Literally I think my professor wanted to kill me ( my professor is super sassy). TO BAD IM FREE FROM HIM….My first quarter of college is done... Its weird to think how 10 weeks have gone by so fast. I have gotten so close with so many different people and its weird that I'm going to be leaving the people I have lived with constantly the past 3 months. Im going to visit my friends back home though! CAN YOU SAY PARTY? Just kidding, we classy college kids don't do that. But really Im excited to see all my old high school friends. Oh by the way you should probably know I have an undying love for Jesse McCartney. Literally Jesse was my childhood crush. So naturally when I find out he has a new album coming out, I fangirled. Judge me if you wish but I don't care. So thats exciting news. ALSO CHRISTMAS IS HERE. life is already 10% better with christmas music. Im just so excited to go on break. I will miss my 50 other family members though. It sounds cheesy and stupid, but these girls and guys I have been living with are amazing, and they are my family. Hallmark moment…..Alright now that we are past that I just made a tumblr and I have a youtube channel! so if you want to check that out my youtube channel is : Becbec0071 ( don't laugh its all that was available), and my tumblr is : Rebeccaane.tumblr.com …So yeah go check those out. my youtube has embarrassing videos, so enjoy at you're own risk. Alright well I think I've bored you enough with my life. Stay beautiful. This has been life time with yours truly.