Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Seattle Lovin'

Well hello my friends, it has been quite a while. I am really going to try and blog at least once a week. Lets see if i can do it. Alright so college…is the best experience I could have ever had. Teens everywhere leave their home and adventure to a new place to start their own life. This concept for me was what I have always wanted. My family and I don't get along too well, so naturally I could not wait to leave and start my own life. And that my friends is what I did. I found a college 2 states away, and made a leap of faith, leaving everything I have ever known. Yeah its scary but I absolutely love my life now. I live in a beautiful northwest city called Seattle. I chose Seattle blindly and for no reason. I just wanted to get away and go somewhere I have never been. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Seattle is where I belong, as cheesy as that sounds. Back home I was the odd ball out. I would always wear beanies, sweaters, and leggings in 90 degree heat. When I came to seattle I fit in perfectly with the city ( seriously my friends call me their seattle hipster because I fit in with this city so well). People always tell me that Im going to get depressed living in a city with no sun, but they don't get it. I was depressed back home where the sun was always out, and i never really understood why. Now when I look at the sky I smile, because I love the rain and clouds. Basically my life has turned upside down, but for the better. Sure I do miss my friends, because I left them all back home; but I know that I will see the again. Maybe not now but life will will bring me full circle eventually. Seattle has taught me a lot, and I am so blessed to be in this beautiful city. I sound like a hallmark card, but I'm being honest with you guys. I have made friends that will last a lifetime and I am so thankful for everyone in my life. Well I'm done boring you with my life. This has been Seattle Lovin' with yours truly.

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